Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Something I've learned today

In Norway, Winter is a serious thing to consider. It is so hard that you have to use two different set of shoes when going to work.

You use a pair of shoes suitable to walk over snow, mud, water, or whatsoever you will find on your way, and another pair of shoes to use in a "controlled" environment.

In this way, people often leave their shoes at the office when the work is done for the day.

Another thing I found today is the external shape of a typical norwegian "lichis". The first impression is not very good, but the taste is nice. I like it!!

Finally, this is something that I have never seen in Spain, it's a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water in the sea. They use that when they "swim" on Winter.... uhmmm.... in the rare case I would do that, I don't want to know how cold it was. For sure it will be veeeeeery cold !!

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